DECEMBER 19, 2018

I’m feeling nostalgic and philosophical again this week! It’s nearly Christmas again. They really come around quickly. This is likely also the last Christmas of a certain kind as my youngest child is growing up! I’m going to enjoy it for all it’s worth. My main aim this festive season is to SLOW DOWN!

I am a Pharmacist working in retail. The next two weeks are our busiest weeks of the year as the safety net ends for another year and lots of people want three months’ worth of medication on hand as the Pharmacy will be closed on Christmas day! It is very busy and very stressful. This is compounded by the fact that a lot of people seem to be on holidays and are in holiday mode and it is hard for us to find the time and energy to join in!

There were a lot of things I had on my to do list today. There are a lot of things that are still on my to do list. I did, however, attend my sons high school awards ceremony. I have helped my daughter make some gorgeous Christmas cards for family members. When I sat down earlier tonight to write a blog post I decided to put it off as my daughter and I went for a walk around some nearby streets and, arm in arm, we oohed and aahed at our neighbours Christmas lights and then came home to admire our own.

I will allow this feeling of happiness and Christmas spirit to stay with me at work tomorrow. We have also decided to have a walk together as a family each evening then sit down together to watch a Christmas movie.

Being together and slowing down is what it most important to me. I want to savour every moment of delight discovering what our Elf has done overnight. I am very much looking forward to the Christmas Eve brownie making and decorating as Santa really seems to love those brownies! I am going to go to bed early(!) on Christmas Eve so I can wake up early to what is surely one of our greatest joys as parents in watching our children’s faces on Christmas morning.

I am really looking forward to hosting Christmas at my house this year which means no rushing off after present opening. We can hang out together eating waffles and icecream for breakfast and not be in a rush. This Christmas I am slowing down and enjoying and being grateful for every moment.