NOVEMBER 25, 2019

Once again this is a current topic in our house. Shattered collar bones cause a lot of pain. From my experience when someone is in a lot of pain and leaves hospital or the Doctor’s surgery with multiple prescriptions and instructions it can become confusing and overwhelming to know what to take and when.

As my partner explained to me his pain management previously meant taking tablets when the pain got too much to bear and suffering in silence was ok (and a manly thing to do). The most important aspect of treating pain is to take the pain medication regularly as prescribed.

Take pain medication regularly

In most situations pain medications are best taken regularly. If you have an injury, ongoing pain or have had surgery and have been prescribed medications that state that they should be taken two, three or four times a day then you should take them as stated. The reason for this is that pain is relieved best when the medicine stays at a certain level in your body and this occurs when it is taken at regular intervals. If pain medication is not taken regularly and pain occurs or worsens it is more difficult to bring it under control.

Often more than one medication is needed to manage pain. The different medications may need to be taken at different times or the same times.

Do not take any extra pain relief without consulting your Doctor or Pharmacist as over the counter medications may affect what you have been prescribed or your other prescription medications.